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Parent and Carer Workshops

The topic of sexuality can be an area of concern for parents and carers of people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders. They are often worried about opening a 'can of worms' by talking to their child about sexuality.

People with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders are often assumed to be non-sexual and fears around exploitation and hurtful situations are persistent realities. Research shows that people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders have the same sexual desires and needs as the rest of the community and therefore need the same support and education around puberty, sexuality and relationships.

Education around puberty, sexuality and relationships for people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders has been proven to increase knowledge and self-esteem, facilitate community participation, and improve decision making and self-protection skills.

Family Planning NSW provides parents and carers with much needed information and resources about puberty, sexuality and relationships. Our workshops help parents and carers to gain a clearer understanding of their child's developing sexuality and strategies to support their personal development in a positive way.

We cover a range of sexuality topics across the lifespan including childhood, adolescence and adulthood including:

  • Sexuality and disability
  • Preparing for puberty
  • Healthy relationships
  • Supporting positive and safe sexual expression
  • Sexual health
  • Tips for talking about sex and answering tricky questions

Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to:

  • Browse books, DVDs and other resources
  • Find referrals to relevant services
  • Ask questions of experienced trainers
  • Meet other parents and carers in your community

Disability Awards - winner

This forum won a 2017 NSW Disability Innovation Award in the category 'Innovation in improving outcomes for children and young people'. 

Who are the forums for?

Parents, foster parents, relatives and other unpaid carers of people with intellectual disability are welcome. 

This forum is not intended for service providers. Please visit our website for information regarding professional education and training.

We regret we are unable to provide respite/childcare.

Upcoming events

Click here to see our upcoming parent and carer workshops.

More Information

For more information or to express your interest, contact:

Health Promotion

T: 02 8752 4388

F: 02 8752 4396

E: healthpromotion@fpnsw.org.au


Your Child's Growing Sexuality: a guide for parents and carers of children with intellectual disability

Your Child's Growing Sexuality cover Parents play a very important role in their child's sexuality education. Your Child's Growing Sexuality is a guide for parents and carers to support their child's sexuality education as they grow and develop. It provides information on the importance of sexuality education, when to introduce new topics, strategies for talking about and supporting a child to learn sexuality information and frequently asked questions.


Presenter PowerPoint slides from past forums are now available to download below:

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