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Social And Ethical Responsibility Policy


FPNSW is committed to act in a socially responsible and ethical manner in all areas of endeavour. This document is an important element in fulfilling this commitment as it provides a clear statement of the values and standards of FPNSW. Enquiries about the statement are welcome and should be addressed to the CEO, FPNSW.

The values of FPNSW are articulated in the Strategic Plan 2018-2022:

Our Values

  • Human rights focus - promoting the rights of all people to reproductive and sexual health
  • Integrity - maintaining a strong ethical base, being accountable and transparent
  • Inclusiveness - valuing and respecting diversity without judgement
  • Equity of access - ensuring access to our services for all, including priority populations
  • Client centred - placing the needs of the whole person at the centre of our work
  • Commitment to excellence - ensuring high standards in all our work

FPNSW recognises that an ethical, fair, productive and transparent relationship is important in all dealings with stakeholders. While fulfilling obligations to funders, clients, partners, target populations and the broader community, FPNSW operates in accordance with best practice corporate governance, informed by recognised standards. FPNSW anticipates that our stakeholders will act in an ethical manner and support our values, enabling mutual trust in our relationships and ensuring our dealings withstand public scrutiny.


All staff


FPNSW's commitment to social responsibility and ethical conduct is well integrated into all aspects of organisational activity.

Key business principles

FPNSW is committed to engage openly and effectively with all tiers of government to advocate for the needs of priority populations and access resources to enable the needs of these groups to be met.

When conducting business, FPNSW values fair and professional behaviour, applying the rule of law, and being responsive to challenges and opportunities. We are committed to ensure that we:

  • focus on achieving results and managing performance
  • perform our functions in an impartial and professional manner
  • have the highest ethical standards
  • behave honestly and with integrity
  • uphold the stated values of FPNSW
  • maintain public trust and the good reputation of FPNSW

FPNSW operates within a strong financial and procurement policy framework that requires all our expenditure to be efficient, effective and ethical. In all business dealings, FPNSW promotes ethical behaviour by:

  • encouraging competition and using competitive procurement processes
  • ensuring non-discrimination
  • promoting the use of resources in an efficient, effective and ethical manner
  • making decisions in an accountable and transparent way.

What our stakeholders can expect from us

Stakeholders can expect FPNSW to

  • operate within the law
  • manage activities with integrity, professionalism, honesty and fairness
  • keep confidential any personal information we hold as a result of our clinical, research, education or health promotion activities, and not access or use that information for unrelated purposes such making business decisions in relation to particular individuals
  • disclose and take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest
  • have open and accountable procurement processes
  • treat all potential suppliers and contractors equitably
  • control access to information held on contractors and in particular information that meets confidentiality requirements
  • resolve disputes through timely, effective and equitable mechanisms and processes
  • not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest, unethical or unsafe
  • meet our individual and collective responsibilities
  • provide a clear channel of communication to report unethical practices in our business relationships
  • base our administration and management of contracts on the contract terms and conditions.
  • not make statements about stakeholders which may intentionally create a reputation or other advantage to ourselves

FPNSW is committed to demonstrating transparency with stakeholders through disclosing timely, relevant and accurate information in an accessible format, including:

  • legal status
  • description and evaluation of significant programs
  • corporate policies and position statements
  • annual reports with financial records included
  • strategic plans
  • submissions
  • media releases

What we ask of our stakeholders

FPNSW asks stakeholders to:

  • provide accurate, reliable and timely information and advice
  • act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings with us
  • raise any concerns when they arise
  • respect the privacy of other stakeholders and comply with security and privacy requirements when dealing with sensitive information and material
  • advise of actual and apparent conflicts of interest as soon as you become aware of them
  • assist us to prevent unethical practices

FPNSW engages stakeholders to provide feedback in a meaningful way and seeks out opportunities to get feedback from a range of different stakeholders. FPNSW is committed to responding to feedback effectively and appropriately. FPNSW seeks feedback from stakeholders through:

  • formal feedback and complaints process available on the website where complaints are treated as confidential
  • inviting clients to complete an anonymous online survey following their appointment
  • inviting partners to engage in a partnership evaluation
  • engaging education course participants to provide feedback at the end of each course

Guidance for FPNSW staff

FPNSW guides staff in the ethical and responsible work performance in the following ways:

Code of Conduct and Ethics

All staff at FPNSW have a responsibility to act in a socially and ethically responsible manner. These responsibilities are articulated in the FPNSW Code of Conduct and Ethics to which all members of staff make a commitment at the commencement of employment.

Informing staff of their responsibilities

  • At the time of appointment, all new staff are asked to read and sign the FPNSW Code of Conduct.
  • Staff orientation includes an introduction to the key FPNSW policies and procedures. Refer to the FPNSW Orientation procedure.
  • Staff are reminded of the privacy and confidentially obligations annually when they are asked to review the FPNSW Privacy and Confidentiality policy and sign a commitment to uphold the terms of the policy.

Reporting concerns

Staff are encouraged to discuss any concerns regarding their responsibilities with their managers. The FPNSW Incident Reporting process provides a mechanism by which issues of major concern or a possible lapse of ethical behaviour can be reported to management.

Effective relationships with staff

FPNSW is committed to prohibit discrimination and to ensure that recruitment, employment and promotion occurs solely on the basis of qualification and ability.

This is evidenced by a commitment to the Enterprise Agreement process and articulated in a range of FPNSW Human resource management policies including Anti-Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy.

Safety and security of staff, clients and visitors

Articulated in FPNSW Work, Health and Safety policies

Integrity in corporate conduct

FPNSW is committed to utmost integrity in business dealings and absolute probity in business transactions. This commitment is articulated in the FPNSW Investment Policy which prohibits investment in organisations whose values are inconsistent with Family Planning NSW, this includes organisations involved in the production, promotion or distribution of smoking, drinking or gambling activities. Work practice is guided by the Australian Taxation Office and other lead agencies.

Fundraising and donations

In all fundraising activities, Family Planning NSW complies with the Fundraising Institute of Australia's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the ACFID's Fundraising Charter, acknowledging that “the application of ethics in fundraising practice provides the fundraiser and the industry with the means to enter into ongoing relationships of trust with donors, supporters, volunteers and the beneficiaries of funds raised”.

FPNSW will use funding to enhance the reproductive and sexual health of communities by building the capacity of organisations to deliver high quality services to their community. FPNSW funding or donations will not be used to support welfare or political activities.


Legislative and policy framework

FPNSW operates within a broad range of legislation, regulation and professional and industry based codes of conduct and standards. Some of the most important obligations are listed below:

  • Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)
  • Anti Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)
  • Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000 (NSW)
  • Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998(NSW)
  • Children Legislation Amendment (Wood Inquiry Recommendations) Act 2009
  • Copyright Act 1968
  • Crimes Act 1900
  • Criminal Records Act 1991(NSW)
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
  • Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW)
  • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth)
  • Independent Commission Against Corruption Act NSW (1988)
  • Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth).
  • Ombudsman (Child Protection and Community Services) Act 1998 (NSW)
  • Ombudsman Act 1974 (NSW)
  • Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
  • Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW)
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)
  • Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW)
  • Code of Conduct

  • AMA Code of Ethics - 2004. Editorially Revised 2006
  • Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct. ACFID Fundraising Charter
  • Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia developed under the auspices of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, Australian College of Nursing, Australian Nursing Federation Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council Code of Ethics for Nurses 2005
  • Fundraising Institute of Australia's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
  • FPNSW Enterprise Agreements
  • General Retention and Disposal Authorities - State Records Authority of NSW
  • NHMRC's Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2007
  • Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Adherence to principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
  • NSW Health Non-Government Organisation Grant Program – operational guidelines. 2011
  • Working Together – the Guide 2008; developed by Consumers Health Forum of Australia Inc and Medicines Australia Limited
  • Human Rights

  • IPPF Statement on Sexual Rights
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • United Nations Declaration of Human Rights


Last updated: November 2018

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