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Feedback and Complaints

About Family Planning NSW

Since 1926 Family Planning NSW has been committed to the reproductive and sexual health and rights of individuals, families and the broader community. In NSW we provide clinical services, education and training and conduct an active research program. We value the relationships we have with government, our partner NGOs, our clients and our donors.

We have been increasing our services in the Asia Pacific region where reproductive and sexual health needs are great. Our goal is to work effectively with local partners and see ongoing improvement in the reproductive and sexual health of communities.

Our commitment

Family Planning NSW is committed to act in a socially responsible and ethical manner based on the values of:

  • Human rights - promoting the rights of all people to reproductive and sexual health
  • Integrity - maintaining a strong ethical base, being accountable and transparent
  • Inclusiveness - valuing and respecting diversity without judgement
  • Equity of access - ensuring access to our services for all including priority populations
  • Client centredness - placing the needs of the whole person at the centre of our work
  • Commitment to excellence - ensuring high standards in all our work

Family Planning NSW recognises that maintaining an ethical and productive relationship with stakeholders is important, enabling mutual trust and ensuring our dealings withstand public scrutiny. While fulfilling obligations to funders, donors, clients, partners and volunteers, Family Planning NSW operates in accordance with best practice corporate governance, informed by recognised standards.

Feedback and Complaints

Family Planning NSW welcomes your feedback to help us learn and improve our services wherever possible.

How to send feedback or make a complaint

You can call Family Planning NSW on 02 8752 4300 or email feedback@fpnsw.org.au to give your feedback or to make a complaint.

A member of staff will contact you and keep in touch with you until the matter is resolved.

International programme

In the Pacific region, Family Planning NSW works in partnership with government and non-government organisations to build their capacity to strengthen the health system to address areas of reproductive and sexual health need in their communities.

If you wish to provide us with feedback or a complaint, there are many ways you can do this. You can provide feedback to our partner in-country, by submitting a note to their suggestion box or providing your feedback in writing or via email to our partner in-country. You can also talk directly to our project workers, to give them direct feedback.

Depending on the project, you will be given an opportunity to be part of a formal evaluation where you will be asked to comment on your satisfaction with the services provided, either as part of a focus group, a one-on-one interview or on a form.

You can also submit a complaint directly to the Director Planning, Education and International Programme on +612 8752 4308 or email international@fpnsw.org.au.

Complaints regarding alleged breaches of the ACFID Code of Conduct can be made to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee via www.acfid.asn.au.

Education Services

Course participants are encouraged in the first instance to raise any issues regarding their assessment or progression through a course with their course lead. All issues raised will be reviewed by the course lead and the Manager Education.

If the matter cannot be resolved, or the participant chooses not to raise the issue directly with their course lead, the appeals procedure applies. Applications for appeals must be made in writing, to feedback@fpnsw.org.au, outlining their reason(s) for appealing a decision. Family Planning NSW will respond in writing to the participant, acknowledging the receipt of their appeal and outlining the process for review of the issue raised.

What happens to the complaint?

At Family Planning NSW complaints are managed in line with the Incident Management Procedure. The CEO will read the complaint and ask a senior staff member to contact you. The staff member will assure you that the matter will be investigated and ask when you would like to be contacted again.

If your complaint is about an individual, that person will not be involved in handling the complaint. Your confidentiality will be protected at all times.

When more is understood about the issue the staff member will contact you again and discuss findings or further action. It is Family Planning NSW's aim to resolve the issue in a way that is acceptable to you.

Not satisfied with our response?

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may wish to raise your concerns with the relevant body such as:

Family Planning NSW is committed to best practice in corporate governance and compliance and consistent demonstration of behaviours consistent with our values by those who represent Family Planning NSW.

Where a person feels unable to raise a concern through our standard feedback mechanism because of reasonable grounds to fear reprisal, they may use the mechanism provided by our Whistleblower Policy.

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