How we advocate

As a leading Australian provider of reproductive and sexual health services, Family Planning Australia is frequently consulted on policies and practices related to our expertise.

Our focus is to translate research findings into clinical practice and teaching and in guiding government and other decision-making bodies on best practice reproductive and sexual health services and rights. We are recognised as an expert commentator and opinion leader in reproductive and sexual health.

We ensure the latest and most accurate research and clinical excellence is highlighted when positioning Family Planning Australia as the pre-eminent voice for reproductive and sexual health both in Australia and globally.

More generally, we work to drive change by:

  • building the capacity of international partners, people and health systems to provide sustainable reproductive and sexual health services
  • strengthening organisational capacity to support international program implementation
  • promoting research and evaluation findings and supporting translation of findings into our international development work and advocacy to inform public policy
  • working in partnership with government, non-government and community organisations to implement programs that support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • supporting government and non-government organisations to implement policies, strategies and services that uphold the reproductive and sexual health rights of marginalised groups
  • integrating reproductive and sexual health into national strategies and programmes and promoting reproductive and sexual health at national and international forums.
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