Our Approach

Girls in indigenous costume

Our mission is to enhance the reproductive and sexual health and rights of communities by supporting all people to have control over and decide freely on all matters related to their reproductive and sexual health throughout their life.


We recognise that gender equality and the empowerment of girls and women is not possible without the realisation of reproductive and sexual health rights. In everything we do, we apply a gender lens to ensure that all people, including women and girls, can thrive.


We use a rights based and inclusive approach to work towards full inclusion of people with disability in reproductive and sexual health. Our aim is to ensure that all people, including marginalised communities, have autonomy over their sexual and reproductive health.


We engage with communities and in-country organisations to design and deliver customised resources, services and education. Connection to communities through partnerships is essential to the success and sustainability of our work. Learn about our partners.


We work to develop the capacity of local health systems by investing in and sharing skills and knowledge that can be locally owned and sustained. We aim to empower local health systems to realise their full potential through sustainable means of development.


We support health systems by providing technical skills and information to increase access to reproductive and sexual health services. This increases demand at the community level and develops the capacity of local health systems to respond to the reproductive and sexual health needs of communities.


We use local and international research to inform the ways our programs are designed and delivered within the local context. This ensures that our practices always maintain international best practice.


We promote the need for comprehensive reproductive and sexual health and rights for all. We use a combination of social actions designed to gain political commitment, policy support, social acceptance and systems support for the prioritisation of reproductive and sexual health and rights for all people. Read more about Family Planning Australia’s advocacy approaches.

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