General information

What do we do?

We provide reproductive & sexual health services for women and men of all ages Including:

  • contraception
  • sexually transmissible infections - testing & treatment
  • sexual function & dysfunction
  • pregnancy - planning, testing & postnatal checks
  • pregnancy options counselling
  • cervical cancer screening
  • management of menstrual & gynaecological issues
  • menopause information and management

We also provide post graduate training for doctors and nurses in NSW. This means that there may be another doctor or nurse in the room during your consultation. Please let our staff know if you are not comfortable with a trainee being present during your consultation..

How much does it cost?

As a not-for-profit organisation we rely on donations, self-generated income and government funding to provide our services. We charge a low fee for our clinical services. These fees reflect the specialised services we provide while ensuring all clients can access our services. For more information go to

What are my rights & responsibilities?

FPNSW adopts the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The Charter provides a framework of client rights which allows clients, families, carers and services providing health care to work together towards a safe and high quality health system, achieving the best possible outcomes.

The Charter is guided by the following principles:

  1. Access
  2. Safety
  3. Respect
  4. Partnership
  5. Information
  6. Privacy
  7. Give feedback

As a client of Family Planning Australia, you have a right to:

  • Be treated in a professional, courteous and caring manner
  • Be respected regardless of your gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion and cultural and linguistic diversity
  • Have your concerns, complaints and suggestions taken seriously

As a client of Family Planning Australia, you also have a responsibility to:

  • Be respectful of Family Planning Australia staff and others visiting our services
  • Keep your scheduled appointment time
  • Contact us at least 24 hours before your appointment if you need to cancel.

View the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights in English.

Click here to access the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights in Auslan video, braille, and 19 other community languages.

What happens to my clinic records and who can see them?

Your clinic record is a confidential document and we are committed to meeting all legal requirements for your privacy and confidentiality. Your record is the property of Family Planning Australia and is kept for at least seven (7) years.

Privacy laws specify how you can access your information, who else is able to use your information and who we are allowed to provide your information to. You can access the information we hold about you and see and read your clinical record as long as the information will not put you at risk or breach the privacy of somebody else.

Why do you take donations?

Family Planning Australia also provides essential reproductive and sexual health services to disadvantaged communities in NSW and internationally in the Pacific. The life-saving prevention, screening and treatment services we offer in our clinics are often not available for remote or underprivileged populations.

Your donation can help us reach those in need of health care services and help reduce unplanned teenage pregnancies, end preventable deaths from cervical cancer and reduce the burden of disease in disadvantaged communities.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donations can be made at our clinics or via our website at

How do I know about the quality of your services?

Family Planning Australia is accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.

Family Planning Australia is committed to the maintenance of best practice in infection control. Read our Statement on the Prevention of Healthcare-acquired Infection.

Our research work

You may be asked if you wish to participate in a Family Planning Australia research study. It is entirely your choice to participate or not. Choosing not to participate in a research study will never affect the clinical care you receive from Family Planning Australia.

All research studies conducted at Family Planning Australia are approved by our Human Research Ethics Committee and information about current studies is available on our website.

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