Parents and Carers

When it comes to talking about sexuality and relationships with your child it can be a little awkward. What do they want to know? What should you tell them?

At Family Planning Australia we believe that there is no such thing as a silly question. We’re here to give you the answers and advice you need to help you navigate these questions with confidence.

We provide general and independent advice about your child and we have a range of resources available.

Our BodyTalk website is dedicated to young people under 25. This is also a useful website for parents to explore with their child.

Our Health Promotion team holds sexuality and relationships forums for parents and carers of children with disability. They’re held throughout the year all over New South Wales.

TSTO is a valuable resource for parents and carers who want to know more about supporting their child's sexual development in a positive way. This resource was developed by WA Health and adapted by Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (with contributions from Family Planning Australia).

We have an extensive disability resource collection available for use by parents of children with disability. This includes a range of easy-to-read books, DVDs and learning resources to help you start the conversation and teach important skills.

If you have questions, we have the right answers. Call or email Talkline or make an appointment at one of our clinics.

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