Referral Forms

Day Surgery Unit

Procedures under sedation are available at our state-of-the-art licensed Day Surgery Unit at Newington. We provide surgical termination of pregnancy (STOP), vasectomy, IUD insertion, and dilation & curettage (D&C) under sedation.

All clients attending for procedures under sedation must have an assessment / pre-admission appointment at a Family Planning NSW clinic before being booked for their procedure under sedation.


Clients do not require a referral to make a Day Surgery Unit assessment /  pre-admission appointment.

Clients can phone 1300 372 372 to book an assessment / pre-admission appointment.

If you are a clinician who would like to make a referral to the Day Surgery Unit, please use the Day Surgery Unit referral form here.

About our Day Surgery Unit services

Fees apply for Day Surgery Unit services - these will be discussed with the client at their assessment / pre-admission appointment.

With the client's permission, a letter will be sent directly back to you with the details of the client's procedure and any follow up care that may be required.

More information about our Day Surgery Unit services can be found here.

Diagnostic Colposcopy Service

Diagnostic colposcopy services are available at our Newington clinic to facilitate access to timely assessment of abnormal cervical screening results.

Asymptomatic clients with cervical screening results recommending assessment by colposcopy can be referred to Family Planning NSW colposcopy clinic in Newington.

Symptomatic clients (postcoital bleeding, intermentrual bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding) or clients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in situ or possible squamous cervical cancer should be referred directly to a gynaecologist or oncology clinic for further investigation. It is best to refer all pregnant clients with high grade lesions directly to a gynaecologist for assessment.


All Diagnostic Colposcopy clients require a referral. Please use the Diagnostic Colposcopy referral form here.

To refer a client for Diagnostic Colposcopy:

  1. Complete the referral form and attach the client's cervical screening results
  2. Ensure you include the client's mobile phone number on the referral
  3. Fax the form to 02 8752 4392

The client will be called by our team to schedule an appointment date that suits them.

About our Diagnostic Colposcopy service

Our Diagnostic Colposcopy service has both male and female clinicians.

Fees apply for Diagnostic Colposcopy services - these will be discussed with the client when booking their appointment.

Referrals for further treatment are undertaken in consultation with the referring GP and copies of all pathology results and the colposcopy report are sent directly back to you.

Vasectomy Services

Vasectomy services using the no-scalpel technique under local anaesthesia are available at our Newington, Newcastle and Dubbo clinics.

Vasectomy services under sedation are available at our Day Surgery Unit at Newington.

The Vasectomy service provides access to a safe and effective method of permanent contraception.

The process involves 2 appointments:

  1. Assessment - the vasectomy procedure is explained, consent is discussed and a clinical examination performed to ensure that the patient is able to have the procedure safely performed under local anaesthesia.
  2. Procedure - consent is obtained and the consent form signed, the vasectomy procedure is performed and follow-up instructions are given for semen analysis in 12 weeks.


Clients do no require a referral to make an assessment appointment for vasectomy at Family Planning NSW. Phone 1300 372 372 to book an assessment appointment.

VEMA Study

Family Planning NSW is taking part in an international study comparing the effectiveness of having a very early medical abortion (VEMA), where abortion medicines are taken before an intrauterine pregnancy can be confirmed on ultrasound, compared to the standard practice of waiting until an intrauterine pregnancy can be seen. It is hoped the early abortion may be associated with less bleeding and discomfort.

We are seeking women who:

  • are >18 years old,
  • speak English,
  • are early in their pregnancy (less than 6 weeks pregnant); and
  • are considering medical abortion

You can visit the VEMA Study page for more information, or you can review the Participant Information Sheet. You can also contact us via email: or call us on (02) 8752 4355, and one of our research nurses will be in touch.

Ethics approval has been received from Family Planning NSW Ethics Committee (approval #R2020-05).

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