'Yarning About' resources

The 'Yarning About' resources series has been developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Aboriginal Health Workers, clinical, education and welfare professionals.

The 'Yarning About' series provides easy-to-read messages about:

  • Puberty
  • Parenting
  • Sexually transmissible infections
  • Contraception
  • Safe sex
  • Sexual health
  • Cervical screening
  • Pregnancy options

The resources use a conversational approach by presenting five community members who share their concerns and also their knowledge of RSH issues.

The characters of Aunty Lee, Uncle Peter and young people Charles, Keewa and Janayah were designed by an Aboriginal artist to promote healthy choices about key RSH topics.

Yarning about cervical screening test cover

View all resources in the series below:

To order copies of the 'Yarning About' resources, contact the Health Promotion Team: healthpromotion@fpnsw.org.au

To access more Aboriginal RSH resources, visit our shop.

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