Post Basic Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health



Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea


2012 - Australian Government under the Papua New Guinea Australia Sexual Health Improvement Program (PASHIP)
2014/15 - Australian government and the FP Archer Charitable Trust managed by Perpetual

Clinicians trained


Key outcomes

Twenty two nurses and health extension officers completed the Post Basic Certificate Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Graduating students are now able to treat and assist patients with a wide variety of reproductive and sexual health concerns, including sexually transmissible infections and contraception, take medical histories and communicate issues of confidentiality and privacy with patients, and pass on their training to other health professionals.


"I now feel I can talk openly as a result of the course and I feel I have vast knowledge about certain issues. Before the course my world was too narrow."

"It's how we approach patients and how we talk to them and how we receive them. When one or 2 come they go back and tell others. My attitude and approach is different now. Partners also come now for treatment, it was there before but now we really encourage them."

"Before the course we use to see less than five STI cases a month, now we get 20-30 a month, especially since we have separated the sexes".

Course participants

Post Basic Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health for Nurses and HEOs in Papua New Guinea course participants

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