Experiences of using a phone service for reproductive and sexual health care

Research status

In progress

Overview of Study

Telehealth is the remote delivery of healthcare through telecommunication tools. To support access to healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2020 the Australian government announced temporary Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for telehealth/phone services provided by doctors and nurse practitioners.


In addition to face-to-face consultations, Family Planning NSW introduced phone services in April 2020 to ensure that access to essential reproductive and sexual health services was not compromised. Phone services are provided for contraception, gynaecological problems, pregnancy options counselling, termination of pregnancy (TOP) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A mixed-methods study is being undertaken to explore the use of phone services for reproductive and sexual health.


Contact Details

If you would like more information, please contact researchcentre@fpnsw.org.au

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