Research Studies
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The Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel
The Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel >> more...
Implanon acceptability study Phase 2
This study surveyed women at the time of implanon insertion and at three, six and twelve months following insertion to determine the users experiences likes and dislikes of the method, continuation rates and bleeding patterns. >> more...
CUPID - Contraceptive Use Pregnancy Intention and Decisions Study
The CUPID (Contraceptive Use, Pregnancy Intention and Decisions) research team is looking for young women aged 18-23 years from NSW to complete a short online survey about young women's experiences of contraception use and plans for pregnancy >> more...
Knowledge and use of emergency contraception by women seeking abortion
Knowledge and use of emergency contraception among women seeking termination of pregnancy in New South Wales >> more...
Effect of vaginal contraceptive rings on vaginal mucosa
A study to look for changes in vaginal and cervical appearance of women using contraceptive rings. >> more...
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Study
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Study >> more...
A dose finding study of an intra uterine contraceptive system releasing the progestogen Nestorone
A detailed analysis of menstrual blood loss in women using Norplant and Nestorone progestogen-only contraceptive implants or vaginal rings >> more...
Implanon Nuisance Bleeding Treatment Trial
A clinical study looking at the effects of four treatments on prolonged or frequent bleeding in women using Implanon. >> more...
Implanon acceptability study Phase 1
Implanon acceptability study Phase 1 >> more...
Speculum comparison study
This study compared the efficacy and women's experiences of a new 'dilating speculum' called the Veda-scope, with a conventional metal bivalve speculum (Pederson). >> more...