
Lots of changes happen during puberty. For girls, this includes getting their period.

On this page you will find information about:

  • What is puberty?
  • What are periods and why do we get them?
  • Preparing for your period
  • Videos for parents and carers

What is puberty?+

Puberty is the time when children grow into adults.

This is a time when lots of changes happen. These changes happen because of hormones.

Hormones are tiny chemicals made by our bodies.

During puberty, hormones tell different body parts to:

  • switch on
  • switch off
  • change what they do

Puberty can start at any time from 9 years old. Every person will experience changes at different times to others. This is normal.

When girls go through puberty they:

  • become more independent
  • grow body hair in new places
  • grow taller
  • grow breasts. Breasts are sometimes called boobs
  • start getting periods

For more information in different languages, you can view the Girls’ Talk Puberty videos below:

What are periods and why do girls get them?+

Periods are a normal part of growing up. It is something all girls go through.

Periods are a part of the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is how a girl’s body gets ready to be pregnant one day. The menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 days but can be longer or shorter.

A girl’s period can last between 3-7 days.

For more information in different languages, you can view the Girls’ Talk: What are period and why do girls get them videos below:

Girls Talk: Preparing for your period (English)+

A girl will not know when her first period might start. Before the first period, some girls might:

  • feel pain in their tummy
  • feel a bit sick
  • feel no changes at all

A girl can prepare for her first period by making a period pack.

In a period pack, a girl can have:

  • pads
  • tampons
  • tissues
  • wet wipes
  • pain relief
  • spare underwear

Some girls might feel good when they get their first period. This means they are growing up! Some girls might feel scared. This is OK, it is normal to feel this way.

If a girl feels nervous or scared she can talk to:

For more information in different languages, you can view the Girls’ Talk: Preparing for your period videos below:

  • a parent or family member
  • a friend, teacher or school counsellor
  • a nurse by calling Family Planning Australia Talkline on 1300 658 886. If a girl needs help to talk to the nurse, she can get help from someone who speaks her language. She can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.She can tell them that she wants to talk to Family Planning Australia

For more information+

For more information download the Know Your Health: Girls Talk resource for easy to read information about periods.

Girls Talk cover

Download the Know Your Health: Girls Talk resource for easy information about periods. Click here to download

You can also call the Family Planning NSW Talkline on 1300 658 886 to speak to a nurse or click here to talk to one of our nurses online.

To speak to someone in your language, call the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.

Ask to be connected to Family Planning NSW Talkline on 1300 658 886.

Know Your Health: Girls Talk (English) Know Your Health: Girls Talk (Arabic) Know Your Health: Girls Talk (Chinese Simplified) Know Your Health: Girls Talk (Khmer) Know Your Health: Girls Talk (Vietnamese)

Videos about periods for parents and carers+

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